Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Press Release

CBM Christian Author Press Release
Steve Goodwin, Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement

November 28, 2012

October 4, 2012- Just released by Christian author, Steve Goodwin, Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement considers issues that pertain to eternity, salvation and the spiritual realm. Elijah was a man like many others; there were childhood traumas and dreams that led him on a path to becoming “comfortably numb” with the circumstances that life offered. Feeling empty and having a lack of peace, Elijah discovers that God was always there, even when he turned away. Discover the truth and reality of salvation, forgiveness and life with happiness and joy that is not derived from worldly possessions. There is an inner peace that can only be found through Jesus Christ, as the author presents Elijah to the reader. Discover why, “I was a good person,” is an excuse that many will use at the Last Judgment. Challenging and provocative, this book offers the readers to come up higher in a most amazing way.

Author Steve Goodwin writes with conviction and creativity. He is a computer programmer and videogame producer who understands that a good plot must have a “good story.” His compelling writing-style focuses on foundational Christian values such as: faith, salvation, forgiveness, trust, love, relationships and the Bible. Offering a new adventurous twist, the author has labored with this novel as an endeavor to reveal to others that there is peace, love and forgiveness to be found through Jesus Christ.

Refreshing and inspiring, this novel offers a fun, high-paced adventurous read that will leave the reader wanting to know what happens next. Well-written and highly engaging, this book is a must for those that consider happenstance just as a coincidence of life-perhaps there is much more to life that we cannot see…this challenges the reader to consider the reality of eternity, salvation and the spiritual realm. A highly entertaining read that would make a wonderful gift to those that are looking for something more in life-they might find life and truth in Jesus Christ through this amazing novel.

· Publisher: Software Development Pty Ltd (October 4, 2012)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0987378406
· ISBN-13: 978-0987378408

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


“I don’t believe in miracles, I believe in God and his Angels answering prayers.” – Elijah Hael.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recent Comments

Snipits from recent comments from readers about the Novel Elijah Hael & The Last Judgement.

"I loved it soooo much! I started n never put it down!" - CV

"Thank you I loved the book" - ET

"Awesome Book!" - JS

"I thought you did a great job of portraying the reality of 'demons' and the relationship between our choices and their power in our lives..." - JH

For more see

Purchase now from Amazon

Monday, November 19, 2012

Concept Art for the Elijah Hael Novels


"God doesn't always heal a person, he simply brings them home."- Elijah Hael


Fan posted art of an Angel in Elijah Hael novels.

Holy Spirit

I was once asked “How do people know the Holy Spirit involves itself in the lives of people?”, I replied, “People can't see bacteria, or virus's, which science itself has only been able to see for a short time, but they know they are around from the symptoms and harm they cause. People can't typically physically see the Holy Spirit but they know it is around from the love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control it creates in and around those that accept it into their lives.” – Elijah Hael


When people ask me, “Why do you speak so highly of Jesus”, I reply, “Wouldn’t you talk highly of the person that saved your life, and soul?” – Elijah Hael