Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fan made video

We noticed a fan made video for Elijah Hael someone put together for a school project.

Well done. We like it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thought provoking in places

"Elijah Hael - The Genetic code is an excellent read, better than the first. Can be read on its own or followed from 1st one. The characters are well written and you feel for them, which is a sign of a good book in my eyes. Thought provoking in places. All in all, recommended whole heartedly"

Peter Scott via Goodreads

Carrying a light

“I’m carrying a light for Jesus. Together we can bring light to the darkness in the world.” – Elijah Hael

Friday, June 21, 2013

A review for Elijah Hael - The Genetic Code titled, "Wow better than the first"

"If you liked the first Elijah Hael novel you will love The Genetic Code. Who would've thought that angels would need James Bond type gadgets. Steve's style is developing so well and I can only hope he will be writing much more in the future. A highly recommended read."

A. J. Bolam "Smudger Book Worm" (Dalton in Furness UK)

This review is from: Elijah Hael - The Genetic Code (Kindle Edition) via Amazon UK

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Available Now On Kindle - Elijah Hael: The Genetic Code

Available now on Kindle, - Elijah Hael: The Genetic Code

Message from Steve, the author, 

I hope you all enjoy this novel. Writing the book took many long nights and many moments in personal reflection on life wrenching questions. Let me know your thoughts once you have given Elijah Hael - The Genetic Code a read! I love your feedback.