Wednesday, November 13, 2013


“Well, you introduced me to Jesus. I remember you taking me by the hand and leading me to Jesus hanging on that huge crucifix in the church,” Anne said, staring into open space as if reimaging the scene. “You started praying for me. For Jesus to come into to my life, to heal my hurt. I listened, and figured to myself, hey if this Jesus man can take away my pain, my loneliness, why not let him come into my life?” Anne gazed directly into Sophia’s watchful eyes. “Then the strangest thing happened. A warmness engulfed me. The feeling I use to have when my mother would cradle me or when my father would kiss me on the cheek goodnight. I felt safe.” She took a moment to collect her thoughts. “I felt secure and no longer alone.”

“Of course you didn’t feel alone silly. You had me!” Sophia replied.

Anne gently slapped the side of Sophia’s leg as she chuckled. “You know what I mean Sophia.”

extract from "The Angelic Gene", a novel in the Elijah Hael series.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

1 year on

1 year on, over 10,000 people have been touched by Elijah Hael's stories.

Thank you world.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Review - Elijah Hael - The Genetic Code

Steve definitely captures his audience in this creative story of chased heroes and provocative pursuers. The adventure is worth the ride, as he unfolds a pleasingly techy tale of love and danger. You will be entertained and also drawn into this journey with each page.

Steve is an accomplished author with good writing skills. He develops the reality of the story's characters in a meaningful way. You may even find yourself wanting to help them in their quests. Steve's phrasing and paragraph structure does not inhibit the reader from easy reading - making it a pleasure to quickly advance to the next phase of each event. I recommend this book for anyone who likes edgy adventures.

- Dave Paul Campbell
Pro Writer with a 30 million dollar international corporation; freelance writer; published author and self-published author.