An orphanage is the only home Sophia has ever known. The sisters that run it, the orphans, and her "sister" Anne are the only family she has. When she is forced to leave, and face someone that is trying to kill her, she has no idea why. Steve Goodwin weaves her story in
The Angelic Gene.
Sophia has to learn about herself, but she also has to learn to trust people that want to help her. She maintains a strong trust in God, even when she doesn't understand His ways. Being caught in a struggle to protect herself, her family, and the world in general forces her to mature quickly.
There are several spiritual themes in the book, besides the obvious nuns and monks. Putting the needs of others before your own is prominent, and faith is spoken of freely by the characters.
I am wary when reading a book by an author I haven't heard of. I don't know whether I will like the book, or will have wasted my time. In this case, it was the former. The Angelic Gene kept my attention throughout the story, and I didn't get lost from a bunch of different plot points. Though two sides of the story unfolded simultaneously, both came together in the end, with a twist here and there.
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