Sunday, June 25, 2023


Sophia and Elijah, angels perched high atop the cosmos, were observing the little blue-green planet they were fond of—Earth.

Sophia, with a playful grin, nudged Elijah. "Elijah, look at those humans. They are still debating their origin. Some say they were created, others argue they just happened by chance."

Elijah chuckled. "Oh, the audacity of those humans! Thinking they made themselves. Like a paintbrush claiming it painted the masterpiece."

Sophia giggled, her laughter twinkling like distant stars. "Imagine if they tried to apply that logic to anything else. 'Oh, this cellphone? No, no one made it. It just evolved over time from a rock.'"

Elijah laughed heartily, the reverberations causing a small supernova in a far-off galaxy. "A car insisting it came to be through billions of years of molecular realignment and pure coincidence."

"But how can we blame them?" Sophia asked, a soft glow enveloping her. "They can't see us, they can't see their creator. All they have is their theories and their faith."

Elijah nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "True, Sophia. But think about their world—the complexity, the precision! Isn’t it a clear signature of a Designer?"

Sophia smiled, a glint in her ethereal eyes. "Yes, like the Fibonacci sequence in nature! The spirals in galaxies, hurricanes, even the tiny patterns in flowers and shells."

Elijah added, "And their DNA, a code more complex than any supercomputer could ever hope to fully comprehend. How could anyone think that's just random?"

"But what would it take for them to believe?" Sophia wondered aloud, the cosmic light reflecting in her gaze.

Elijah contemplated. "Perhaps they need to realize that chance and creation aren't mutually exclusive. What if evolution is simply the creators brushstroke, the process through which the creators design unfolds?"

Sophia's eyes sparkled brighter. "I like that. We just need to give them a nudge in the right direction. Subtly, of course."

Elijah chuckled, a cosmic twinkle in his eye. "Agreed. We don't want them to find a celestial memo saying 'Guys, evolution is just me doodling!'"

They shared a celestial laugh, the echoes rippling through the universe, making the stars shimmer brighter.

"Alright then," Sophia said, stretching her luminous wings. "Let's give them a little divine inspiration, guide them towards the truth. After all, a journey discovered is far more meaningful than one simply told."

With that, they leaned over the celestial edge, peering at the spinning blue globe, ready to plant a seed of insight, all the while keeping the divine game as fun as ever. Because, as any angel knows, the joy of the journey is in the discovery, and the beauty of the question lies in its pursuit.

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